Genesis 7: The Flood Covers the Earth (NLT)

In Genesis chapter 7, the day finally came when the Lord said to Noah, "Go into the boat (ark) with all your family, for among all the people of the earth, I consider you alone to be righteous." Verses 2-4 is very interesting what God wants Noah to do. "Take along seven pairs of each animal that I have approved for eating and for sacrifice, and take one pair of each of the others. Then select seven pairs of every kind of living creature will survive the flood. One week from today I will begin forty days and forty nights of rain. And I will wipe from the earth all the living things I have created."

Let's recap. Pairs of every animal joined Noah in the boat; seven pairs were taken of those animals used for sacrifice. Scholars have estimated that almost 45,000 animals could have fit into the boat, along with Noah's family.  45,000 animals... Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

Ok back to the story.

So Noah did exactly what the Lord had commanded him. Noah was 600 years old when the flood came. Let's stop right there...did it say Noah was 600 years old.  Today you consider 65 and up to be the elderly age...Noah is 600...he should be at least 90 years old during this day and age. 600 wow!!! I don't know how to explain this concept.

Well anyways, He and his family aboard the boat with every kind of animal, in pairs, male and female. One week later, the flood came and covered the earth. For forty days the floods prevailed, covering the ground and lifting the boat high above the earth. As the waters rose higher and higher above the ground, the boat floated safely above the surface. Finally, the water covered even the highest mountains on the earth, standing more than 22 feet above the highest peaks.

What is our tallest mountain in the world? Mount Everest. How tall is Mount Everest? Anyone know...Mount Everest is 29,029 feet above sea-level. Picture this, the flood covered all dry ground and the highest peak on the earth. When the flood came, if Mt. Everest was there at that time, the ark was at 29,051 feet above the earth.

Every living thing on the earth was wiped out; people, animals both large and small, and birds. They were all destroyed, and only Noah was left alive, along with those who were with him. The flood covered the whole earth for 150 days. Roughly 5 months.


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